„You were learning French but you learnt German“, these are the words of my dad which made me reflect how learning one language can be fruitfut in many ways. Even at the moment while I’m in Mexico I’m forced to speak Spanish as the people around me don’t know English but who can help me the best? Of course, Google translator. As I want to brush my French pretty good, learning another languages seems like a far away task. Somehow I managed to to succed with Italian and even some German.
Learning French with Francais Authentique is quite motivating as it’s based on natural learning, on absorbing into listening and speaking without fear. The main point is to go step by step like in effective management which means following the rules of Kaizen. Without being pressed by grammar learning or new words you’re focusing into finding the most productive way to express yourself. The secret is to avoid blockage even if you forget the words and flow into the spirit of language. It’s the way the child learns just by itself. Listening is the most hidden secret as it absorbs the process of learning on the highest level.
Being caught into the fire with the real stories, videos and way of life is what I was looking for avoiding the grammar rules and structuring the sentences. After I’ve done the college courses and forgot the most I’ve learned years after I still don’t want my knowledge to escape. That’s why I was searching the google to find the rich stories to get immersed into the language and I found Francaise Authentique. Not only I did found the way to learn French but the other languages, also I found the community as we share the video discussions and common interests. I found friends among which some I’ve already met.
Repeting is another secret but the question is how to repeat if you don’t have time? The issue of time is what holds back many people of learning languages. Even if your time doesn’t flow freely, your mind needs to be occupied to be the most fruitful. This is called the proper utilising the dead time, the time when you’re walking or driving.
Context is something that defines that meaning and how many times did you actually find yourself to understand what’s been said even if it’s totally strange language. It’s also the matter of intonation and the way of speaking. As I’m momentally in Mexico forced to speak Spanish among the local people another language comes as the pressure to widening my languages skills. But google always helps plus previous knowledge of French and Italian certainly adds to the communication level. Still what adds the most is the fact of being absorbed into listening so without wanting you’ll find yourself to learn and speak. What else can you?
The most important is to take the stress out as learning languages certainly takes time but remember your goals and for which purpose you can apply the language.
Just as the courses of Francais Authentique take into account the personal development, learning languages can help you brush your way of life. Your memory is being utilized at almost every step and you will be more aware of yourself and the way you can be the most productive. Your creativity will come into focus and your cultural level will be widened.
Anika says
I still have the goal of learning a language so this is a wonderfully motivating reminder for that! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Anika | chaptersofmay.com
Cassandra Thomas says
I am always trying to lean something new, a language is definitely an asset. Thanks for sharing.
Sara says
I haven’t stopped trying to learn Italian since college! I’m just dreaming of being fluent one day. Great post!
Vinn says
Im learning a new language. Fluency is my goal but it will take awhile. Practice, practice and practice!
Retirestyle Travel says
I agree. I Iearned some French in school and I understand many words in Italian and Spanish.
Charity says
That is so awesome that you can speak different languages. I unfortunately just know english!
Lynn Mejia says
Being multilingual is an amazing asset! I don’t have the passion for it anymore but if I could tell my highschool self something, it would be to take French/Spanish class seriously! Thanks for sharing x
Maryse S. Marius says
As a language learner and teacher, I thoroughly enjoyed this article!
Thanks for sharing 🙂