29.04.2019.Lyon, the hometown of famous writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery is the third biggest city in France. Two sufficient reasons to visit Lyon? The mistery by which Lyon captures, the view at the basilica on the top and the hidden passages in the Old town are the secrets spread out all over Lyon. …
10 things that will inspire you to visit the pretty French town- Metz
18.02.2019.Metz is a pleasant city at the North of France, which conveys a perfect harmony of history, nature and art. The instant decision of going to Metz appeared as I started to improve my French through the excellent site Franҫais Authentique. After realising that my French professor lives in …
Why you should visit Annecy- the mountainous gem of France
07.01.2019.Spreading out in a convenient area between Lyon and Geneve, Annecy gives sweetness to the region of Auverne-Rhône-Alpe. Lake Annecy is a very clear, green lake and it's anchored deeply between the mountains. Its makes Annecy so special as well as the streets intervowen through canals and …