1. Do you feel a little bit nervous when travelling? It happens to everyone when going to unknown places, even the same situation is with the familiar places. Waiting for the bus, specially when it’s cold and you feel hungry is not easy but you have to take the measures. You have to prepare yourself and explore beforehand. Sometimes is funny to go into adventure and unknown but if you don’t want to feel nervous take some steps. General culture when exploring the destination will ameliorate and the feeling will be rewarding. Exploring is mother courage to your travellings. It will even help you in a way that you can get some transport or other tickets cheaper online than live.
2. Talking with people about the destination will make you want to visit it even more. It will relax you and help you decide about some dilemas. If you are visiting friends, seeing their way of life and how they spend time will tighten your friendship even more. Talking with people will make you feel very welcomed getting in touch with preparations. If you’re not visiting friends, couchsurfing page is connecting locals with the travellers and thus making beautiful friendships. You will not get lost only for the fear of getting lost. The most beautiful part of the travelling is not about seeing the places, but about the time with people, making memories. One of the reasons to go somewhere is to see someone.
3. Taking the situation peacefully will help you even if you’re nervous. Being nervous about travelling is normal but don’t overreach, take humour in every situation. Later you will make jokes upon it. The truth is that you cannot get lost. You can fall asleep and get lost but if you’re on a right station, you are always somewhere around. Following the signs makes you being secure. The life is all about signs. In the end, strange things happen when travelling. The old proverb says- Who aks, don’t roam around.
4. Learning some language doesn’t happen by once. Start with the most important words in every language: excuse me, please, thanks. Recognizing the words will happen by itself. Even if getting around happens without knowing the words, it is interesting to see some similarities with your own language. For example, when I was in Sweden it was so peculiar to notice the word lilla. So what does this lilla mean. Than I found out that it is small. Learning the languages awakens your general culture and it’s a good starting point for some tips of conversation. Learning the language is something that is absorbed much more easily when being to the field of speaking. Do we wonder why sometimes the things happen by itself? Because we are absorbed by something. The general attitude of being self reliable is undertaken on higher level experiencing the magic of speaking foreign languages. Unknown doors are being open just by saying few foreign words. The more and more we are learning the language, the level of consciousness gets up.
5. Memories from the last journeys give us faith and experience, belief that everything will go as supposed. The more we travel, we get less nervous. The well established schedule is made by memories, by the true experience. Memory is something that keeps us strong, something that makes the similarities alive and even more alive.
6. To write down wishes and desires is just a step of enjoyment, being aware of the possibilities. It puts the fear down and let your wings fly. Taking the shape of the unknown is something very handy, considering what to take into account and what not. How to take most of the moment is a learning process, but the most important is to figure whether you want it or not. If you’re hungry, don’t hesitate. Enjoy yourself and let the food tell you about your destination.
7. You’re going to enjoy, that’s your primal reason of going somewhere. Beside if that is work or education. So think about it and let the fear flow down. Seeing something for the first time, what a thrill this feeling has. So what is to have fear about? Adventurous spirit is good to wake up sometimes, it gives also certain level of comfort. If it’s not easy to find the proper buildings, if the orientation is total mess remember that you’re on a right place ready to enjoy where you came. Remember the reason why you’re there and how much you waited for it. You did it and wow.
8. Dreaming is sometimes what saves us, gives the proper value. If it is about where you’re going right away, are you imagining already how it could be? Of course, we are all impatient and seeing the faces of old friends or new ones, of how we could feel doesn’t substitute the feeling itself. Dreaming is sometimes all we need. Seeing the world is not the highest point always, but it cures and helps to handle the problem. Just being in the air and somewhere else only in imagination can lead to real transformation. Travelling gives us the opportunity to be someone else. Long-awaited goals are ready to bring the gifts of your childhood to the surface. The gifts of knowledge are staying deep inside of yourself. You just need to open it by dreaming and by being able to dare that dream goes alive.
9. The fact that the destination is unknown allows you to take it peacefully without any rush. Unknown situation is scary at the beginning but gives you the complete freedom to be who you are. The possibilities to explore and take different roles open up with discovering the new place. The steps are known but the destination is unknown. In this fact is hiding the key to embrace fun and enjoyment, much more than nervose. There’s something extrapowerful in managing the unknown situation.
10. Counting your blessings reduces your fear, your nervose and discomfort. Counting your blessings puts the priorities to the first line of your needs. It is interesting and effective tool to judge yourself, to make yourself more functional.
Bruce Schinkel says
Some really great tips to make sure we overcome our fears and experience all that is wonderful about travel
Macy says
Thanks for posting these tips! 🙂 I’ll be keeping them in mind the next time I go on a trip.
Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes says
Great tips, I’m a nervous traveller so these really would help
Nic | Nic’s Adventures & Bakes
Jo | My Anxious Life says
I have bad anxiety so the fear of the unknown and lack of familiarity when travelling can exacerbate it. But there are some brilliant tips here to help calm the nerves
Janja says
Those are some wonderful tips. 🙂 Lots of people are afraid to travel for various reasons, but mostly I’ve noticed that they don’t feel confident enough to believe they could do it on their own (planning, buying, going, exploring), even if it is not a solo travel.
Rachel says
This is great! I especially like the writing therapy suggestion. Traveling should be as fun as possible.
Amanda says
These are such great tips! These are also super great to help me practice being present and in the moment. I’m definitely not a nervous traveler but I super appreciate these tips.
Amanda Michelle
Claire says
These tips are so helpful.
Travelling can be hard, arming ourselves with as much info as possible will help no end x
Laura - Anywheresheroams.com says
These are really great tips thankyou!! 🙂 Travel can be nerve-wracking, but it is the challenge that makes us grow. Knowing more about how to address these fears is really helpful!
Molly @ Transatlantic Notes says
Really great tips that I think everyone can use!
Emily Young says
Very thoughtful tips! Travelling can be stressful sometimes and this would certainly help 🙂
Ffion says
I get really nervous about travelling to different countries with my husband never mind on my own. If I had the guts I’d buy a van and travel Europe and America with me, my husband and my dogs.
Georgianne says
I especially like this line “Unknown situation is scary at the beginning but gives you the complete freedom to be who you are. ” It is so true! Back home we have responsibilities and have to please people, which is great, but being yourself and doing things for yourself only is amazing every once in a while